Bangkok, November 6, 2019 – Cigna Corporation’s (NYSE:CI) Thailand business, a global health service leader dedicated to helping people improve their health,
well-being, and sense of security and along with being as the health partnership of Thai people. Today we present the new innovative technology of Cigna Group Accident and Health Insurance to enhance the quality of C-Levels and HR Management working performance. Providing the customized Group Accident and Health Insurance Plan to serve effectively the customer’s needs which means the organization would have a chance to choose the coverage and elective benefits from their custom Group Accident and Health Insurance Plan.
As a global health service leader being supplemented with the innovative technology, the new Cigna Group Accident and Health Insurance Plan would not only consists of full health insurance services, the great insight of health analysis result, but also provides the health care plan to reduce the morbidity rate of staffs. Cigna has the hospital network more than 400 branches all over Thailand, the members would be guaranteed for the best medical treatment from the most convenient hospitals available. This kind of service would help the both of employees themselves and management levels improving their life’s quality and maximize the working progress of the organization also.
“We believe that a sustainable achievement of every organization starts with the best taking care of health and well-being of employees. Our mission is to help Thai people improve their health and full circle of well-being; accordingly, Cigna creates the new Group Accident and Health Insurance Plan as a tool in order to lighten the load of C-levels and HR on budget management for staffs’ health care effectively in the nearly future”, said Khun Napha Trirattanawongse, Chief Health Officer of Cigna Thailand.
Taking a leadership of Group Accident and Health Insurance of Cigna is the new core product that would drive up Cigna to the top of Health Insurance leader and support Thai people to improve their health and well-being which is consistent with Cigna’s mission. Throughout the last year, Cigna studied the customers’ behaviors continuously to understand the customers’ needs, brought up the insight analysis result from Cigna’s 360 Well-Being Survey as a platform to design other proactive health care plan for serving Thai consumers a good health and well-being undoubtedly.
For more information about Group Accident and Health Insurance, LHB, please visit:
About Cigna Thailand
Cigna Thailand, a subsidiary of Cigna, the U.S. based global health service company, servicing over 95 million customers worldwide, has firmly established its presence in Thailand since 2002 as an affinity-based telemarketing and direct distribution business specializing in Personal Accident and Health insurance products in Thailand. We are servicing our individual consumers through a wide range of innovative and easy to access health, accident, and travel solutions to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Media Contact:
Khemmika Imthongbai
Cigna Thailand, 0942639642
Lydia Bumrungkarn
Midas Communications International, 0815569999
Phiroonrak Chaowprom
Midas Communications International, 0936914298