Dusit Thani College (DTC) has never stopped developing itself for strengthening and enriching student’s skill by learning from professionals

 Dusit Thani College (DTC), Thailand’s premier hospitality education institution accredited by the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) and international standards of excellence by The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE), recently held an “Online Learning Session” for Hotel and Resort Management (with the academic certification of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) students to enhance the learning experience in Hotel and Resort Professionalism.

The program operates in accordance with international standards secured by the academic certification of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), the world-leading hospitality management school in Switzerland that has been a pioneer in hospitality education for over 125 years. This program focuses on the Well-trained Professionals Hotelier to expand new horizons in hotel and resort management; foster critical thinking, analysis, strategic planning, and innovative management. Moreover, Hands-On Experience is also included in the program to offer a variety of real-life business challenges, to best utilize and further develop knowledge and skills in problem solving and hospitality management.

 In this session, Dusit Thani College invited Mr. Stefan Heintze, General Manager of Pathumwan Princess Hotel and as an Alumni of EHL as well as part of the EHL Bangkok Stamm Committee, to discuss with students the topic of “Hotel renovations and refurbishments – The Case of the Pathumwan Princess”, focusing on; 

       How the Pathumwan Princess has renovated its rooms in the past year to maintain its strategic positioning in the Bangkok market.

       Decision factors that led to the renovation (Customer feedback, increasing competition, potentially decreasing ADR)

       How the renovation was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and how the hotel took advantage of the forced hotel closures to speed up the renovation process and decrease the impact of COVID-19.

Dusit Thani College was established to meet the demand for well-trained professionals and is a private educational institution specializing in tourism and hospitality management. The college offers three bachelor’s degree programs in the Thai language: Hotel Management, Culinary Arts and Kitchen Management, and Service Innovation in Tourism Industry, along with a Master of Business Administration. English language bachelor’s degree programs are offered in Hotel and Resort Management, and Professional Culinary Arts. 


In addition, numbers of specialized short courses are also available, each and every program is recognized nationally and internationally.

 For more information, please contact Public Relations Office on +66 (0) 2361 7811-3 or e-mail pr.pr@dtc.ac.th or visit www.dtc.ac.th