Dusit Thani College, a private educational institution, recently organized the memorable Graduation Ceremony for international program graduates in both Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel and Resort Management (with the academic certification of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) and Bachelor of Business Administration in Professional Culinary Arts (joint degree with Le Cordon Bleu). At the event, DTC’s executives and instructors together with Le Cordon Bleu Dusit’s executives and Stammvater AEHL Stamm Thailand expressed their congratulations and presented Medals of Honor to the International Hotel and Resort Management graduates, while Medals of Honor together with Chef Hats were presented to graduates of the International Professional Culinary Arts program. 


The meaning of this tradition, which Dusit Thani College has organized for the graduates from the International Programs each year, is to emphasize that they are ready to go out in to the industry and for next chapter of their lives.


Dusit Thani College was established to meet the demand for well-trained professionals and is a private educational institution specializing in tourism and hospitality management. The college offers three bachelor’s degree programs in the Thai language; Hotel Management, Culinary Arts and Kitchen Management, and Service Innovation in Tourism Industry, along with a Masters of Business Administration. English language bachelor’s degree programs are offered in Hotel and Resort Management, and Professional Culinary Arts.  In addition, a number of specialized short courses are also available, each and every program is recognized nationally and internationally.


For more information, please contact Public Relations Office on +66 (0) 2361 7811-3 or e-mail pr.pr@dtc.ac.th or visit www.dtc.ac.th